Friday, December 2, 2011

Why would you want to work from home?

Working from home is a goal that many of us have.

The dream of being able to work when you want to, whether it be early mornings or evenings. Maybe a nice combination of both.

The flexibility of your schedule. If you have kids, you understand how great a flexible work schedule can be. If you have to attend a school function or run to a dentist appointment, it is nice to be able to do that without having to request time off or burn a vacation day.

Saving money. It would also be nice to save money on your work clothes wardrobe, wear and tear on your car and with the high cost of gas these days, saving money on the gas it takes to get back and forth to work.

Daycare expenses. Again, if you have kids, I don't have to tell you how expensive daycare is. If you have more than one child, it can be extremely costly. There are also some days when daycare is closed or unavailable. Then what? Better have a good back-up plan, right? What do you do during summer vacation and daycare? Full-time daycare costs add up very quickly. When the kids get off school early, wouldn't it be nice not to have to worry about picking them up? What about sick days? When the kids are sick, daycare is out and mom or dad are in.

The bottom line is that there are so many ways you can save money by working from home.

Earning extra money. Who couldn't use a little extra money? Everyone I talk to falls into this category.

If you've ever worked a part-time job outside the home, then you know it has the same expectations of your full-time job. You have to be there at a certain time, put in a certain number of hours, drive there and back, etc.

Working from home, especially part-time, is great because it offers flexibility in hours, no driving or leaving your home, and you are able to be home with the kids.

The extra money comes in handy for supplementing a full-time income, saving up for a vacation or some other fun thing, paying down bills, or, well, you know what you could do with some extra cash.

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